X-rated - translation to Αγγλικά
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X-rated - translation to Αγγλικά

X-Rated; X certificate; X rated; X classification; Rated X; X-rating; X ratings; Xrated; X-rated; X Rated; H rating; XXX rating; XX rating; XXX rated movie; X-Rated movie; XXX rated movies
  • Until 1990, the X rating was used by the Motion Picture Association of America for films deemed only suitable for adults.

(adj.) = sólo para adultos, no apto para menores, clasificado
Ex: The title of the workshop is "X-rated free access to information and freedom of expression".
para mayores de dieciocho años
X; X (letter); ASCII 88; ASCII 120; U+0058; U+0078; Letter X; Pronunciation of X
= por
Ex: Card catalogues or indexes comprise a set of cards often 5x3 inches (122x72 mm), with each entry on a separate card.
* Generation X = Generación X
* x chromosome = cromosoma X
* x-height = ojo medio, núcleo
* X-rated = sólo para adultos, no apto para menores, clasificado
* X ray = rayo X
* x-ray tomography = tomografía mediante rayos X


sust. fem.
Andalucía. Zabila, áloe.


X rating

An X rating is a rating used in various countries to classify films that have content deemed suitable only for adults. It is used when the violent or sexual content of a film is considered to be potentially disturbing to general audiences.

Παραδείγματα προφοράς για X-rated
1. bookstores, an X-rated movie theater,
Silicon Valley’s Coming of Age _ Leslie Berlin _ Talks at Google
2. We have an x-rated scene here.
Intellectual Arab Art _ Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi _ Talks at Google
3. which kind of, to me felt like an X-rated "Pee-wee's Big
Carsick _ John Waters _ Talks at Google
4. It is X-rated, with capital X. Don't listen to it
My Drunk Kitchen Holidays _ Hannah Hart _ Talks at Google
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για X-rated
1. Marilyn‘s X–rated confessions reveal her lust for life 3.
2. Explicit videos, X–rated e–mails, cocaine snorting, blackmail...
3. The publicity around the X–rated video proved a gift.
4. Indian films, remixes etc. are more vulgar than even x–rated films!
5. X–rated Arsene: That Jose is all talk, says talent show fan Wenger 2.